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Re: Programming a calendar system

From:Mark J. Reed <markjreed@...>
Date:Friday, April 30, 2004, 1:18
On Thu, Apr 29, 2004 at 09:02:14PM -0400, Mark J. Reed wrote:
> Argh, argh, argh. You are of course correct. Preceding message results > incorrect if you want to base it on -14 (= 15 BC), > although the technique is still valid. Will recompute.
Meanwhile, here's the PHP for the -986 basis. Which tells me that it is right now 4930-18-02 09:12:63 Aréqan time. <? # Units $SEC_PER_ASEC = 1.2; # Earth seconds per Areqa second $ASEC_PER_AMIN = 72; # Areqa seconds per minute $AMIN_PER_AHOUR = 18; # Areqa minutes per hour $AHOUR_PER_ADAY = 27; # Areqa hours per day $ADAY_PER_YEAR = 456; # Areqa days per (common) year $ADAY_PER_TETRAD = 1823; # Areqa days per tetrad $AYEAR_PER_TETRAD = 4; # Areqa years per tetrad # Correspondence point $TIME_T_0 = 50812804.8; # UNIX time_t of correspondence point $AYEAR_0 = 4877; # Areqa year of correspondence point # Year layout $MONTH_LENGTHS = array(25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 24, 26, 30, 26, 26, 24, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25); # Function to get the quotient and remainder in one go function divmod($x, $y) { $q = floor($x / $y); $r = $x - $q * $y; return array ($q, $r); } # how many days in month N of year Y function days_in_month($year, $month) { global $MONTH_LENGTHS; $days = $MONTH_LENGTHS[$month - 1]; if ($month == 9 && $year % 4 == 0) $days -= 1; return $days; } # current time $now = time(0); # no. of earth secs since correspondence point $sec = $now - $TIME_T_0; # no. of areqa secs since correspondence point $asec = $sec / $SEC_PER_ASEC; # convert to higher units list ($amin, $nsec) = divmod($asec, $ASEC_PER_AMIN); list ($ahour, $nmin) = divmod($amin, $AMIN_PER_AHOUR); list ($aday, $nhour) = divmod($ahour, $AHOUR_PER_ADAY); # now we know that there have been $aday elapsed days # how many tetrads is that? list ($atetrad, $nday) = divmod($aday, $ADAY_PER_TETRAD); # and how many years into the next one? list ($ayear, $aday) = divmod($nday, $ADAY_PER_YEAR); # add it all up $ayear = $atetrad * $AYEAR_PER_TETRAD + $ayear + $AYEAR_0; # convert to months $amonth = 1; while ($aday > days_in_month($ayear, $amonth)) { $aday -= days_in_month($ayear, $amonth); $amonth++; } # and display the result printf("%d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d\n", $ayear, $amonth, $aday, $nhour, $nmin, $nsec); ?>