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Re: CHAT: mathematics

From:Carlos Thompson <carlos_thompson@...>
Date:Sunday, November 19, 2000, 3:56
Dennis Paul Himes wrote:

> Carlos Thompson <carlos_thompson@...> wrote:
> What you write below is basically correct, but your terminology
is a bit
> strange, and you make a minor mistake or two:
> > Given the series {a_n}; given any positive real epsilon, there
is a
> > natural N shuch as any naturals n > N and m > N, | a_n - a_m | < > > epsilon. > > This sort of sequence (not "series") is a Cauchy sequence. > > > However such a series could not converge in Q. > > Close. This sort of sequence does not necessarily converge in
Q. That's why I said "could not" and not "do not". On the other hand, thank you for your corrections. About the terminology, I learned math in Spanish (I once took a class on discrete math in Swedish but I knew little Swedish then... ;-p) then I could be translating wrong the terminology. -- Carlos Th