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Re: OT: Language & clans? Re: OT: Ukraine

From:Geoff Horswood <geoffhorswood@...>
Date:Wednesday, December 1, 2004, 7:42
On Tue, 30 Nov 2004 16:00:39 +0000, Chris Bates
<chris.maths_student@...> wrote:

> for >instance a word that means "brother"/"uncle" seems unlikely to me.
Kazakh has a term /aGa/, meaning both "elder brother" and "uncle". The equivalent /ana/ means "elder sister" and "aunt". This may, however, be connected with their habit of giving their firstborn to its paternal grandparents to raise; the child then becoming "their" child, at least into adulthood. Also, the young marrying age of couples and large family sizes tend to conflate the generations a little- it's entirely possible for a first- or second-born's first children to be older than its parent's youngest sibling. Geoff