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Re: CHAT: Sakatda Ka Kadomo (was: CHAT: Anglicisms)

From:Kristian Jensen <kljensen@...>
Date:Tuesday, June 8, 1999, 15:05
Ed Heil wrote:

>(1) Taga bondoks are from the boondocks? Coincidence?
Perhaps. The Sierra Madre mountains of Luzon island are indeed the boondocks. Almost nobody lives there. 8) Last I heard, there were plans of make the entire mountain range a national park.
>(2) PELLET INSERTION???? Perhaps a conculture issue, but I'm >curious!
This involves inserting metal or ivory pellets under the skin of the penis. Another 'device' was used further south in the Philippines (by the Visayans and men of Surigao in Mindanao): Penis Pins. This involves the insertion of a pin through the penis head to anchor a type of cogwheel behind the head. Boreanesians do something similar. They also use penis pins, but use it to anchor a series of penis rings behind the head. You're right, though, this discussion ought to be continued in the conculture list. So on a conlang note, the Boreanesians have a term that relates to a condition caused by the penis pins and rings themselves: "staq". This is a condition similar to canines where the withdrawal of the male organ from the female organ cannot occur without the male organ's complete relaxation. -kristian- 8)