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Re: TECH: dumb html question

Date:Monday, January 12, 2004, 17:52
Mark J. Reed scripsit:

> But in both Mozilla Firebird 0.7 and IE 6.1, not only does this not cause > &schwa to be recognized, it doesn't even parse correctly. The > > that closes the <!ENTITY> tag is interpreted as closing the whole <!DOCTYPE> > tag, with the result that the ]> appear as content in the page.
This works fine in Firebird if you force XHTML interpretation: for example, if you use a local file with the extension .xhtml or .xml. I was apparently wrong to say that Firebird automatically applies the HTML implicit stylesheet to XHTML files; that works only if they are interpreted as HTML. Using an explicit .xml extension blocks this. -- Andrew Watt on Microsoft: John Cowan "Never in the field of human computing has so much been paid by so many to so few!" (pace Winston Churchill)


Mark J. Reed <markjreed@...>