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Re: USAGE: THEORY/USAGE: irregular English plurals (was: RE: [CONLANG] Optimum number of symbols

From:Tristan McLeay <kesuari@...>
Date:Tuesday, May 21, 2002, 7:21
On Mon, 2002-05-20 at 22:55, And Rosta wrote:
> As for the rest of the list, _oxen_ is obsolescent, being replaced > by _oxes_, which leaves just man:men, woman:women, foot:feet, goose:geese, > tooth:teeth, mouse:mice, child:children, and, arguably, person:people, > as the utter irregulars among the indigenes...
Well, I know I've at times been caught trying to coin 'shoop' (i.e. shoop:sheep) and 'freet' (i.e. fruit:freet), so perhaps -oo-:-ee-. So perhaps it's actively irregular. Tristan


John Cowan <jcowan@...>THEORY/USAGE: irregular English plurals (was: RE: [CONLANG]
Pavel Iosad <pavel_iosad@...>