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Re: Presentation on Language Creation

From:Muke Tever <mktvr@...>
Date:Wednesday, October 2, 2002, 11:43
From: "Tristan" <kesuari@...>
> But in John's defence, he didn't coin 'CIAWOL' or 'CIJAGH', but only > modified it from (I'm guessing) 'FIAWOL' and 'FIJAGH' (Fandom ---). > Whether that came from somewhere else, I don't know.
F = Fandom is probably original. (Well, for *IJAG[D]H. *IAWOL is pretty much a set phrase, I think--a search in Google gives the first screen full of different values of *.) I have seen *IAWOL and *IJAG[D]H where * = F = furry. I have also seen * = TLK = The Lion King (but only in *IAWOL form... apparently TLK can't be JAG[D]H). *Muke! --