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Re: languages like Vorlin, Dublex & BrSc

From:J Y S Czhang <czhang23@...>
Date:Sunday, May 12, 2002, 6:35
In a message dated 05/11/2002 12.41.09 PM, Jeffrey@HENNING.COM writes:

>"para-" can also mean "abnormal". :-(
;) What is so bleeding great about "normalcy" 0_o? ;)
>How about altlang, for "alternative language"?
Sounds good to me... tho' there is has been quite a recent trend in using "alt" for nearly anything trendoid, i.e. altrock, altradio, altart, altcuisine, altmedia, even altweb... but ohwell... maybe the alt in altlang will attract more peeps into conlanging :) then the natural processes of attritition - as seen on this list - will weed the "real" conlangers from the "wannabes" and "poseurs" ;) *giglaoctet*/*gigglabyte* Hanuman Zhang ~ "When you lose a language, it's like dropping a bomb on a museum." ~ Kenneth Hale -----------~§~----------- en legoset _ creolego _ = ¡ gwerra sumtotall-morda legotaxo! ¡ banc poli en-haz legoplex ! creo legoplex ! trans-litteral-slice-ation into English: in Creo-Lego word-set <vocabulary>: War word-system sum-total(all)-death ! <combat/fight linguistic extinction!> Save multiple in-hazard language{s}! Create language[s]!


Tristan <zsau@...>