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Re: USAGE: "Laughingly":What part of speech is it?

From:Terrence Donnelly <pag000@...>
Date:Monday, October 5, 1998, 18:39
>> > He goes walkingly to the store. >> >> I really love "he goes walkingly to the store." It is SOOOOO Teonaht! >> Okay, it's not really equivalent, but in T. you can say: "he at walking >> swifts to the store," or "he at speaking glibbed to his friends." > >It's also very Lojban - > >ko'a cadzu klama le zarci >he/she/it walking-type-of-go/come [to] the store >
In my conlang, Vogu, participles are used adverbially a lot. In particular, the future participle can render phrases of the type "in order to": ulozhis hispita : S/he lays down to go to sleep (lit. s/he reclines FUT-sleeping-ly) -- Terry http:/