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Re: CHAT: relative tense

From:Hawksinger <hawksinger@...>
Date:Wednesday, March 24, 1999, 2:52
Nik Taylor wrote:
> > FFlores wrote: > > That _kitabu_ "book" is a Semitic loan, isn't it? > > Or does the first syllable ki- have anything to do > > with the _ki_ for object "it"? I'm sure I've heard > > of languages which mark nouns this way (not that > > this is one of them, but maybe...) > > Swahili does mark for various genders. The ki- is the gender-marker, I > think. And the same marker is presumably used in the verb. Much in
Kitabu is an Arabic loan in Swahili, one of many. This is not to say that the ki- has not been reanalyzed, I don't recall that one way or the other. -- Brad Coon listowner battleship-l (home pg. et al.) (outdoor and prim.skills) (wine and whisky pgs) Civilize the mind and make savage the body. (Chinese proverb)