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Re: Causative and Aorist usage?

From:Henrik Theiling <theiling@...>
Date:Sunday, January 2, 2005, 23:46

Carsten Becker <naranoieati@...> writes:
>... > Just one question: How else can I use the causative after > the following definition? > > Ayeri Coursebook: > | The causative shows that something is for a reason or the > | marked argument causes something. > > Currently, the causative ending _-isa_ only appears in > pronouns like "for this reason" and is used with verbs to > enable a stative passive. But I haven't managed to use it > with nouns yet. Or do I constantly confuse it with the > benefactive which I often quite often? How could you use > indication of reason on nouns? I mean different than > "somebody makes somebody do something". >...
The usual translation would probably be 'because of ...'. 'The tree broke because of the wind'. This could have 'wind' in causative case. This is the usage in Qthen|gai. The meaning 'make s.o. do s.t.' could also be causative, of course, where the causer then has control about the caused event. Qthen|gai has recently aquired a special case for causers with control (agitative case), but this is basically a consequence from having an active case system -- the two could be the same.
> Maybe I should write the causative survived in some forms, > but is today not very much used anymore ...
I like it as a productive case. Very handy. One reason for keeping it in Qthen|gai is that I don't have any prepositions or postpositions, so the only other possibility of expressing modifying relations is serial verb construction, which involves a lot more syllables. :-)
>... > The same thing about the aorist. I've got a slot for the > aorist tense that can be abandoned easily. >...
Really? I liked your grammar for this. Qthen|gai also has an aorist tense, which I borrowed from Ancient Greek (of course). It has a very restricted meaning expressing explicit timelessness of an event. Very handy, I think. I used it in the Pater Noster recently.
> There are no fixed expressions where the aorist > could fit in ...
Almost all proverbs could use aorist tense. :-) **Henrik