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Re: NonVerbal Conlang?

From:Gary Shannon <fiziwig@...>
Date:Saturday, June 24, 2006, 6:22
About 10 or 12 years ago I took a couple of semesters
of ASL at the local community college, and as I
learned each new sign I also devised a written glyph
for it. By the time I was fluent in ASL I was also
fluent in my parallel written pictographic language
which was non-verbal in the sense that when I read it
I tended not to think in "words" but in "signs", the
same as when I was signing. I actually couldn't read
it aloud very well, because that required me to think
of the spoken word for each sign which was an extra
mental step that I wasn't so fluent with.


--- Michael Adams <michael.adams1@...> wrote:

> Anyone worked on such an animal? > > Be it like American Sign or like, or like how > Baseball players "talk" to each other at the game? > > Also how much of your conlang is non-verbal or just > part of the nomal human range of facial/body/hand > and like motions? > > Mike >


Scotto Hlad <scott.hlad@...>
Michael Adams <michael.adams1@...>