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Re: a grammar sketch...

From:Christophe Grandsire <christophe.grandsire@...>
Date:Wednesday, October 4, 2000, 20:21
En réponse à The Gray Wizard <dbell@...>:

> Seems like active systems are favorites among the current crop of new > conlangs. I remember not so long ago that ergative systems were the > preferred conlang alternative to typical IE nom/acc. I wonder what will > be > our next darling. Maybe we'll have so many active and ergative conlangs > that nom/acc will become a welcome change of pace? ;-) > > David >
In my next-to-10 different conlang projects, I think I've spanned the whole range of possibilities. I do have nom/acc languages (among them are my two Romance languages, Reman and the yet-unnamed one, of course, as well as Moten, which is particular as it uses sometimes an instrument complement instead of a nominative to mark subject, for volitionality reasons (a little like Sally Caves's Teonaht), ergative languages (O and Azak are some examples, with O using instrumental instead of ergative for inanimate agents), active languages (I'm thinking about the Sky People's Language, but in fact it's even more complicated as nearly all cases in this language can be used as subjects, even spatial cases, depending on the gender of the noun, its meaning and the nuance you want to give) and even a language with a trigger system. What can you think of next? :) Christophe Grandsire.