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Re: Interesting discoveries

From:Estel Telcontar <estel_telcontar@...>
Date:Saturday, August 16, 2003, 19:48
 --- Costentin Cornomorus wrote:
> --- Estel Telcontar wrote:
> > Differences include things like the three words > > for different kinds of > > foods - solid food, liquid food with pieces, > > and liquid food without pieces, > > Now, I líke that one!
> > and the fact that the pronoun system > > does not encode > > masculine/feminine distinctions, but rather > > distinctions of - roughly, at least - animacy. > > A sort of "people" v. "thing" distinction. I > suspect that hosts of immaginary beings, stuffed > animals, animals in general and probably a whole > host of other "things" would be considered > animate.
There are actually 4 different grades, which are most conveniently called "personal", "animate", "living" and "non-living". However, only "higher animals" (roughly vertebrates) are included in the "animate" category, while lower animals (such as insects) are considered along with plants in the "living" category". And then there are the irregularities, which I've only partly figured out, but include things like stories being considered personal.
> > > Are you sure they aren't Daine? When Daine > > > wear much of anything at all, it is a "raka". > > > > Could be, for all I know! > > Do they have wings?
Could have! But I doubt it. Most of my concultures have always been human. Estel ______________________________________________________________________ Post your free ad now!


Costentin Cornomorus <elemtilas@...>