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Re: Active, Was: Help with grammar terms

From:daniel andreasson <daniel.andreasson@...>
Date:Friday, January 14, 2000, 0:18
Vasiliy Chernov wrote:

< some snipping has occured >

> For example, to say 'the tree threw down the man', one has > to change the construction e. g. as follows:
> The-power-of-the-tree caused the man's falling
> ('The-power-of-the-tree' standing for an active derivative, > and 'the man's falling' for a construction behaving like > inactive noun).
> Do I confuse the terms? If so, what is the correct term for > the situation described above (i. e. no marking when roles > correspond to classes, special marking for the reverse case)?
It sounds a lot like the 'inverse' construction. This was discussed some months ago on this list. When the natural hierarchy of the language is broken, a special form of the verb or noun is used. Example: Hierarchy: 1p > 2p > 3p 1p acts on 2p > 'direct' form I hit-DIR you = 'I hit you' 2p acts on 1p > 'inverse' form, because it breaks the hierarchy. I hit-INV you = 'You hit me' The thing you explain above seems to be some sort of mix between this and active/passive voice and perhaps some third ingredient, like an animate/inanimate distinction. In any case it sounds really cool. I do hope someone else have more info on this. Or if you, Vasiliy, feel like investigating it a bit further of course. :) Daniel Andreasson, who is straight and kinda liberal in the Swedish sense, although I do have a friend who is black (who btw is quite a corker in !xhosa). "I am so smart, I am so smart, S-M-R-T... I mean S-M-A-R-T..." - Homer Simpson PS. I found that sig. appropriate since I just found out I got the highest grade this term in linguistics. Hurray for me! ;)