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From:Mark J. Reed <markjreed@...>
Date:Tuesday, August 19, 2003, 19:15
On Tue, Aug 19, 2003 at 02:46:46PM -0400, Isidora Zamora wrote:
> What do other people do about this?
Well, in the case of my conlangs, I create a transcription system; I only need the correspondences in one place.
> In the section on diacritics, is the underscore part of the X-SAMPA > transcription, or is it simply a place-holder for the character that needs > the diacritic? e.g. Do you write a labialized voiceless alveoler stop as > t_w or as tw? (I am assuming that it is the former because that is the > only way that it could be differentiated from a consonant plus glide > sequence.)
You're correct - the underscore is part of the transcription.
> BTW, what does X-SAMPA stand for?
eXtended Speech Assessment Methods Phonetic Alphabet. Which has everything to do with the origins of the system and not much to do with describing it. :) -Mark