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The Relay hold-up; was: 3 questions

From:Sally Caves <scaves@...>
Date:Friday, June 11, 1999, 23:13
J.Barefoot wrote:
> > 3. How's the translation relay these days?
As far as I know, Kristian has had it for almost a week. I had stipulated that no one slow the relay down for longer than 48 hours, and Kristian asked for a little extra time two days ago. But if Kristian can't get to it within the next 24, perhaps the person who sent it to him should just send it along to you. Irina and I and others are eager to see the results of this, and Irina wants to put them all on a page. I think this could be a really unique conlang project, but it needs the cooperation of everyone involved. It's also frustrating to see the "Translation Relay" header pop up and it's a discussion of clothing. Come on, Kristian! You're holding everything up! <G> And we REALLY want to see the Boreanesian eventually! Did I spell that right? warm regards, Sally