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Re: |r|, |rr| and other Rs. :)

From:Chris Bates <chris.maths_student@...>
Date:Sunday, October 3, 2004, 21:51
What language is Samarra in? In Spanish rr is an alveolar trill (a
vibration of the tongue against the top of the mouth), and r is a tap (a
quick tap of the tongue against the top of the mouth). French has
supposedly a uvular trill (back of the throat trill...), but Christophe
used to argue it was a uvular fricative in every dialect now. English
has an alveolar approximant, and in many dialects of english it can't
occur in coda position (at the end of a syllable). When written at the
end of a syllable in those dialects the vowel normally gets lengthened
instead (I actually speak one of those dialects, and have amazing
difficulty pronouncing r in some positions in foreign languages).

> watching the news today, I started the |rr| in |Samarra| >anything like the (stereotypical & cliched) rolled |r|s of Scottish ? > > and are there other, equally unique/interesting |r|s out there? > > thoughts? > > >


Roger Mills <rfmilly@...>
Mark J. Reed <markjreed@...>
Mark J. Reed <markjreed@...>