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Re: Offering linguistic papers...

From:Henrik Theiling <theiling@...>
Date:Saturday, June 4, 2005, 14:18

Roger Mills <rfmilly@...> writes:
> 1. A while back there were a couple(?) people asking questions about Moore > (W.Africa). (Can't find the thread in the Archive, but it has to be > there...) In the course of cleaning out my long-neglected shed, I found:
Woohoo, t'was me! So there is at least something out there.
> Nikiema, Norbert (Indiana Univ.), 1975: Vowel Length in Moore: Its Phonemic > Status and its Orthographic Representation. (10 pp., including biblio. > > IIRC there was just one person who was quite interested; I'll just mail you > the paper.... Disinclined to do extensive xeroxing...But let's see.
You mean *mail*? That technique where actual matter is moved instead of abstract binarised information? :-)
> ========================================== > 2. Matisoff, James 1973: Tonogenesis in Southeast Asia. 30pp. Duplicated > copy, apparently published but no citation (but found it on Google). Useful > though dated biblio. Lots of neat info for tone-language designers, mostly > general, not a lot of data.
That was one thing I was most interested in: I suspect Moore to have register tones, but there is no info about it that I found. Anything about tones is interesting for me! :-)
> My copy is fading, and since there might be wider interest, I'm willing to > retype and either create a PDF and/or put it up on my website temporarily. > There are 2 or 3 Vietnamese words and Chinese characters that I won't be > able to handle (not important-- they're just tone names)
!! Seems like some work! **Henrik