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Re: Lexeme Request: Water and Fire

From:# 1 <salut_vous_autre@...>
Date:Saturday, May 28, 2005, 0:44
David J. Peterson wrote:

>I'm giving another talk on language creation this coming Tuesday, >and I had a very simple request. I'd like to gather some samples >of the words (nouns, hopefully) for "fire" and "water" in a bunch >of different conlangs. Since this is related to conlanging, you can >reply onlist, but there might be a bunch of replies, in which case >offlist replies are fine. To get the ball rolling, here's the words for >"fire" and "water" in several of my conlangs: >
In Vbazi: njele + biwliw => njelebiwliw = water beggining + liquid so "njelebiwliw" is like the scientist version of the word but it is contracted in "lebi" in normal use gaidz + gyl => gaidzdyl /gaidz=dEl/ = fire motion + heat so again "gaidzdyl" is a scientific version usually contracted into "gajyl" /gajEl/ The word for water, "lebi" is also found in other water-related words but often as "le" river = ele little river = thiile (thiib = to be little/littleness/small thing or person) mud/swamp = phyqlbi /p_hENl=bi/ (phyq = ground) But others use the word for rain, "hiit" /hi:t/ lake = hityn (tyn = territory) ice = hiiniiz (niiz = solid) - Max