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Re: USAGE: Name adaptation (fuit: GSF revisited)

From:Barry Garcia <montrei13@...>
Date:Wednesday, May 16, 2007, 3:43
On 5/11/07, Benct Philip Jonsson <conlang@...> wrote:

> > So how do people render names in their conlangs? > Do names have meaning in your conlangs or not? >
In Ayhan, it's mostly adaptation rather than translation, as they would probably ask you what your name is and upon you saying, they would simply approximate your name as best they can. My name would probably get rendered as /'ba4i/, or /'be4i/. Your first name would probably be either /beng / or /bent/. They might ask you what it means, but I have doubts about that, unless you insist on picking the meaning in Ayhan out as your name. (I haven't really worked on names). In Montreiano, it would follow what you typically see from Spanish speakers in our world. Obvious religious names would get changed, but those which lack clear meaning would be adapted. Mine would probably be the same as above, yours would probably be /bent/ or /ben/ (of course, I'm not sure on the exact phonetics of your name). The same goes for city names.


H. S. Teoh <hsteoh@...>
David J. Peterson <dedalvs@...>
Benct Philip Jonsson <conlang@...>