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Re: Those darn curly subscripts (was: More orthographic miscellanea)

From:John Cowan <cowan@...>
Date:Sunday, September 12, 2004, 16:11
Ray Brown scripsit:

> But it would surely have been very strange to have two diacritics which > look so similar and not treat them the same way. Romanian has no |ç| > (c-cedilla), so putting a comma below |s| and |t| is quite consistent. But > have a cedilla beneath |c| and a comma beneath |s| would be a tad odd. > Even if the Turks had done this, all but the pedantic would surely have > actually written the things the same way.
Fair enough.
> >The normative cedilla has a vertical descender > > Normative? Who sets the norm?
French and Portuguese typographers.
> "They are evidently confusing science with technology."
"No, no; your problem is that you're confusing a thing with *itself*." --Marvin Minsky -- John Cowan <cowan@...> "Any legal document draws most of its meaning from context. A telegram that says 'SELL HUNDRED THOUSAND SHARES IBM SHORT' (only 190 bits in 5-bit Baudot code plus appropriate headers) is as good a legal document as any, even sans digital signature." --me