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Re: planets

From:abrigon <abrigon@...>
Date:Sunday, December 26, 1999, 21:22
I love the being on Farscape.. Multitasking and all, as well as a
pacifist as well. Farscape good sci-fi..

I know in humans we have our brain, but also our muscles have a
form of memory. So a race that has 6 limbs versus 4, might have
more brain power, or atleast an additional brain (or

Of course what do milipedes have for brains? Mainbrain and ...
not sure..


Date:    Sat, 25 Dec 1999 22:28:43 -0600
From:    Nik Taylor <fortytwo@...>
Subject: Re: planets

"Grandsire, C.A." wrote:
> In fact, with the extra set of limbs, can you provide
me also an extra
> brain?
The Pilot in Farscape is a member of a race which has an inherent ability to multi-task, which is essential in his/her task (I can't remember the gender, or if they even have gender), piloting Moya, actually as a living, sentient, ship that the Pilot's in a symbiotic relationship with. _________________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Get your free address at