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Re: Conscripts (was Re: Moi, le Kou)

From:Steg Belsky <draqonfayir@...>
Date:Sunday, January 14, 2001, 0:46
On Sat, 13 Jan 2001 11:38:22 +0900 Yoon Ha Lee <yl112@...>
> Wow! I think the first alphabet that comes up on the page has a very > "carved" look to it; how did you do it? :-)
- If you're talking about the big chart, i think that's just a relic of the processing that the picture went through on its way from word processor to web page. I think it had to do with translating it into a picture and then resizing it.
> >There's also an ideographic (actually morphemograph?) system, > created for > >my anthropology class the semester before this past one, found at > >
> Neat! Did you right that on computer paper? =^) (I'm looking at > the > holes...) It looks very mysterious, like something you'd find > inscribed on > a tomb or cenotaph somewhere and have to decipher.
- Thanks! Holes? Do you mean the dots going down the columns, next to the column lines? I think that was just pencil or pen or some other writing tool. I believe that i wrote it on regular unholed printer paper.... ah hah, now i remember. The lines and the dots were made on the computer. I layed-out a place for the passage to be written at the beginning of the project's write-up, and i made a chart, and put dots on each line so that the morphemographs would be all pretty much the same size, in a nice neat layout. i think.
> <G> Some kinds of boustrophedon would give me a headache trying to > figure > out orientations, especially in alphabets where some letters are > mirror > images or rotations of each other. Korean's especially bad in that > respect; > I sometimes read vowels wrong because they're > rotations/reflections/inversions/aiee! > > YHL
- Ack! Having different scripts for different directions is much easier, believe me. :-) -Stephen (Steg) "Word making is world making." ~ _The Beginning of Desire: Reflections on Genesis_ by Avivah Zornberg