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Re: CHAT: "*** you" (was Re: closet conlanging)

From:Terry Donnelly <pag000@...>
Date:Thursday, December 24, 1998, 15:55
Nik Taylor wrote:
> > Eric Christopherson wrote: > > I've often wondered, what is the story with the phrases "bugger you" > > and the more common American "f*ck you" (If you don't know it, you'll > > have to guess the vowel ;) ). They don't seem grammatically correct as > > commands; > > Perhaps based on other curses like "damn you"? Or maybe its simply a > survival of earlier times when the "you" frequently came *after* the > imperative (as in "believe you me" = "believe me"), that is, "you f*** > [someone]"?
In Old English, "focken" meant to hit or beat someone. One can see how it got it's sexual connotation, also why "f*ck you (= beat you up)" is an insult. -- Terry