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Re: Chinese Dialect Question

From:Barry Garcia <barry_garcia@...>
Date:Thursday, October 9, 2003, 12:08
Constructed Languages List <CONLANG@...> writes:
>>You've never heard someone with a lisp? That's what "lisp" means, >>at least usually - saying [T] for [s]. I knew many children growing >>up who were in speech therapy because they had such a lisp. It's also >>stereotypical of effeminate homosexuals; author David Sedaris was such >>a child and remarked in his book _Me_Talk_Pretty_One_Day_ that his speech >>therapy class might as well have been called "Future Homosexuals of >>America", indicating that the stereotype proved accurate at least in >>those cases. :)
Well i am gay and i do lisp. HOWEVER... my lisp has ALWAYS been a whistle. I don't do it often, but every so often it escapes. Hmm, is there any phoneme that's a whistle produced with the tongue and the teeth? :)