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Re: Conlang names?

From:David J. Peterson <dedalvs@...>
Date:Thursday, November 8, 2007, 21:34
Quick response before the thread response:
The only
thing in Raikudu is the prefix "rai-", which make a proper noun of
the root,
such as pila "see" (v) > raipila "the Seer" (is that correct English?).

Yes, that's correct, as strange as it may seem.  The difference
between "seer" and "sear" is a bit unnerving, to me.  (Just like
"cawer" [one who caws] and "car".)

What about names in your conlang?  Have you made lists?  How did you
derive the names.

Sheli names are derived from three different name groups, so
that each person has three names, more info here:

A popular way to choose a name is the supposed characteristics
of the newborn, or the events surrounding the birth, e.g.:

pul p_hel va:j
"Bright Morning Sky"

Once a name is chosen, there are a series of ways to derive a
nickname, which is what one would usually be called by (except
in formal or official situation [e.g., when your mother is calling
you because you did something wrong]).  There are eleven
different strategies, and which is one is chosen is partly determined
by gender; partly by context; and partly by preference.  What
would be a good one for this name; let's see...  Well, let's say
it's a guy.  For this one, you take the first CV of the first name,
then the onset consonant of the second and add /a/, then the
onset consonant of the last and add /o:/:


A /p_h/ becomes [f] intervocalically.

[Note: There's tone involved too, but I'm too lazy...]

If you go to the bottom of that page I linked... can generate random names.  It's kind of fun.  Unfortunately,
it doesn't seem to work with Firefox on the Mac.  I have no
explanation for this...  I also don't know how it fairs on Windows
on any browser.


Kamakawi names are discussed here:

In Kamakawi, first names tend to be a single character, and are
usually nouns related to flora and fauna of the region (dolphin,
lava, blowfish, cricket, moon, etc.), or sometimes verbs/adjectives
(give/giving, heavy, long, etc.).

These basic roots can be modified to produce new names that
aren't nicknames, but are full names.  The common strategies
are reduplication, and affixing a suffix like /-?o/ (for guys) and
/-ne/ (for girls).  Thus, Opepe is a different name from Ope.

 From these, nicknames can be derived through various means:

Diminutive: Oyo <> Oyoi; Nevi <> Neviki
Shortening: Hala'i <> Hala
K Reduplication: Oyo <> Oyokoyo; Nevi <> Nevikevi

Since names are characters, the fun thing is that an individual
can write their name differently (something like "Rachel" vs.
"Raechel" vs. "Rachael").  I have some examples towards the
bottom of the page.  Basically, you can take a character and add
lines to it--say crossing a long line, adding a tooth, etc.  Pretty
much as long as it doesn't create another character.

After this, there are two types of last names.  Everyone has a
tribal name which derives from one of the ten original Kamkawi
tribes.  This name is listed after the first name.  Then you take
the mother's first name, prefix /ti-/, and it becomes the last name.
A full name looks like this:

Filala Inivili Tinevine

"Fila" is "heavy" (reduplicated--this is a unisex name), then the
tribal name Inivili, then the mother is Nevine, so Tinevine.


In Zhyler, one of the noun classes (class V) is associated with
professions or people with titles.  Traditionally, these are also
used to form names.  You suffix /-di/ (or one of its variants)
to any stem to form a name.  Colors are popular, as are other
adjectival ideas (strength, justice, etc.), or animals.  Here are
some examples:

itwindi (white)
rendi (green)
wervendi (wolf)
nawdM (fish/swimmer)

Man, I'm forgetting my Zhyler vocabulary...

I didn't want there to be last names.  I just imagined that if there
was confusion, you would say "From such and such place" (e.g.,
if /ZyDe/ is a place, then you could say /itwindi ZyDeT/, or
"Itwindi from Zhydhe").  I imagine these would eventually
become last names.


In Sathir, I haven't fully developed how I do names, but I've
created some.  I worked with adjectives as names, but also
professions.  Currently, there's just the one name, but it commonly
comes with a title, so that may end up being a first name.  I see
that I coined a first name somewhere on the site with /ispent_ha/,
which has something to do with the number "two"...  That could
be another strategy: numbers as a first name (as in first born,
second born, etc.).


Beyond that, I've come up with names in others of my languages,
but not strategies.  I imagine the strategies will come.  For now,
though, that's what I've got.

Here's an in-depth explanation of how names are done in Idrani,
Trent Pehrson's language:

"sunly eleSkarez ygralleryf ydZZixelje je ox2mejze."
"No eternal reward will forgive us now for wasting the dawn."

-Jim Morrison