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Norman French?

From:Arek Bellagio <zadar@...>
Date:Monday, October 19, 1998, 3:51
HI all. I heard the term Norman French the other day.. and I was wondering
if this was a type of 'old English' applied to French. Does anyone know? If
not.. what does it mean?

And also, whether or not you know the answer to the other question, does
anyone know a place where I can find some documented information on an older
version of French?

In conclusion,
~Arek  -

"The pessimist stomps and curses the wind. The optimist whines, but keeps
saying how everything can be better. The realist adjusts the sails and
doesn't complain."
        - Kyle Voiles

....Zephyr in the sky at night, I wonder: do my tears of mourning sink
beneath the sun?....