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Re: Conlang-to-body-shape connections

From:Arthaey Angosii <arthaey@...>
Date:Friday, March 28, 2003, 10:15
Emaelivpeith Andreas Johansson:>
> It's me having a theory that body size (height and weight) affects > both your conlanging preferences and your likelihood to bounce around > alot. To participitate, just send the relevant details to the list, or > off-list directly to me.
5'2", 120 lbs. tells me that's 1.57m and 54.4kg. Oh, and since several people mentioned glasses -- I've worn glasses since 5th grade; luckily they aren't scary-looking thick glasses, but rather nice ones in fact. :P I like agglutinating and fusional languages, although I haven't tangled with the latter yet. I seem to use accusative by default, but that may be only because I haven't really studied other sorts. As a general rule I prefer exotic but realistic features -- this applies to such things as word order, meaning SVO and SOV are right out, as (Mark Baker says) they account for over 90% of world languages. Asha'ille itself is VSO, the third most common at 3-4%. Bouncing is good; I'm known among friends for silliness in general. :) -- AA