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Re: Conlang-to-body-shape connections

From:Adam Walker <carrajena@...>
Date:Friday, March 28, 2003, 13:58

 Adam Walker <carrajena@...> wrote:
Well which are the relevant details? If it's just hight, weight and tendency to
bounce, I'm 1.7, 73, and not sure what is intended by "bounce". If you mean
fidgeting while seated, guilty. If you mean hopping ove object in my path
rather than walking around them, guilty. If you mean other, specify.

 One highly inflecting case-ridden, tense-ridden, excessively pronouned
(mainly) SVOlanguage which can promote instruments to S and even adverbs of
maner to predicatehood while supressing agent, patient and instrument.
"can promote instruments or even adverbs of maner to subjecthood.  "

Where that other non-sense came from I have no idea. It probably comes from not
having slept decently for 4 nights. Blasted seratonin. You shoulda seen my
Taiwanese exam today. No on second thought I'd rather kill myself than let any
one see that thing.