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Re: A prioi vs. A posteriori ?

From:Christophe Grandsire <christophe.grandsire@...>
Date:Tuesday, February 4, 2003, 19:29
En réponse à James Landau <Neurotico@...>:

> > That was you??? It was the very same person who gave us Maggel all > along?
Well, at least I do have a language like that, and I did mention it this way on the list ;)) . So I seem to fit the criteria here ;)))) .
> Interesting that I didn't attach a name to it in my memory. Well, even > as an > auxlanger, your creations are very different from Romaclone or Ygyde!
LOL! It was also my first serious attempt (read: non-Latin-clone) at a conlang, and I was something like 15. And I never seriously thought it would really become an auxlang. The only auxlangish trait was the small number of different sounds of the language (and they were not chosen for frequency ;))) ). I mean, how can a language with exceptions be an auxlang?! ;))))
> Although I guess I'm guilty of selling into that stereotype . . . when > people > online mistake me as being female, I tell them, "No! Look at my name > again -- > it's Neurotico! Not NeuroticA, NeuroticO!" >
LOL. In my fanfiction on my site, the female "bad guy" is called Nezayo, while one of the male "bad guys" is called Nemina. The endings were on purpose ;))) (the two other male "bad guys" are Netoy and Nespi :) ).
> BTW, I've found myself pronouncing "Maggel" as /'mag@l/ to myself (the > > at-sign is the schwa, right?
Yep :) . When I first saw it here, I found myself
> mistaking it for the æ sound) when reading these notes, so as to sound > like > "Dr. Moggle's Alphabet Challenge" (whose author, in fact, I believe was > named > John Magel!) Does anyone here remember that book? >
I actually never heard of it!!! I want to know more about it! I love synchronicities like that!!!! :)
> > Are you referring to the Druids? >
Nope, but Peter found it already. The influence was the French word "dryade", which comes from Greek IIRC. And I wonder if it's not realted through PIE with the word "druid". Whaddya think? Christophe. Take your life as a movie: do not let anybody else play the leading role.


John Cowan <cowan@...>
Wesley Parish <wes.parish@...>