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Re: Featural Alphabets (was Re: Boustrophedon and Chinese (was Re: A single font can

From:Henrik Theiling <theiling@...>
Date:Friday, October 14, 2005, 22:57

tomhchappell <tomhchappell@...> writes:
>... > King Sejong's Hangeul system for Korean is supposed to be a > featurography, but I don't think it really is. >...
Hmm?? Errm, how close a look did you have? The layout of the vowel letters (almost!) looks like an IPA vowel space map and the consonants are also obviously assigned by POA plus consonant modifications (e.g. 'plus one stroke') do the same thing to different letters (e.g. add voicing). It's strange to me that you say that that system is not really featural. It looks surprisingly featural to me and also very constructed. **Henrik


Tim May <butsuri@...>Featural Alphabets
tomhchappell <tomhchappell@...>