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Re: When you want one odd character....

From:Philip Newton <philip.newton@...>
Date:Saturday, May 18, 2002, 4:47
On 17 May 02, at 17:32, Clint Jackson Baker wrote:

> It is the long, italic "f" that I think was the > guilder symbol. I guess I need HTML code for that, > too.
That's probably U+0192 LATIN SMALL LETTER F WITH HOOK, which the Unicode standard says is also "= Florin currency symbol (Netherlands)". So try either of "& # x 192 ;" or "& # 402 ;" (in either case, written all together without any spaces. (Apparently, "& # fnof ;" may also work but I wouldn't depend on any particular browser supporting it.) The reason that character does not appear well on all systems is that it's part of Microsoft's Windows-1252 code page but not of iso-8859-1. Cheers, Philip -- Philip Newton <Philip.Newton@...>