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Re: Vowel question, suggestion?

From:Muke Tever <alrivera@...>
Date:Monday, August 6, 2001, 9:18
From: "Jesse Bangs" <jaspax@...>
>> This arises historically as <ai> becomes <oi> /OI/. When there's >> original <aio> /AIU/ it would become /OIy/, which is impossible >> for me to pronounce, so I called it <öy>. > >If the "normal" outcome would be [OIy], it seems logical to me that the >[I] and [y] would collapse, giving [OY]. That's the same thing as [OI], >but with lip rounding maintained throughout the diphthong. > >When I try to say [OY], I keep accidentally fronting the back vowel, so >that would give, ah, [öY], where [ö] is my cheap substitute for rounded >[E] since I can't remember the real symbol in SAMPA. That's another >possibility.
Rounded [E] is [9]. (Hence its easy forgettability.) I think I will go with "[9H] ( = [öY]) or [9j]" and leave the roundedness of the glide unspecified, unless an especially spectacular suggestion comes along. *Muke!