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Re: Offlang suggestion & counterproposal

From:Christophe Grandsire <christophe.grandsire@...>
Date:Friday, April 12, 2002, 12:32
En réponse à Irina Rempt <irina@...>:

> > Sure. But that's called in "Language" in English, and the point of my > suggestion is that it would *never* have the name in English, only in > constructed languages.
Very true. We have enough languages to keep going for,
> well, thirty years at least. It's nice if every issue has a feature > article about the cover language, but not at all necessary. >
On the other hand, I find it quite necessary. Or else, it would be like a magazine having a cover corresponding to no article at all!! :)) But on the whole the idea is very nice. Today or tomorrow I'll send a post about the journal as a whole (and I'll press Peter Clark to do the next poll on this subject, to know once and for all who would be interested in this journal and in what form).
> > Basically, it seems that it's like my "Glossopoiesis: International > > Journal of Language Creation" title, with "glossopoiesis" replaced > > with the expression "Language Creation" in a different language each > > time, and the second part put as subtitle. It's fine by me. > > That's also a good idea. (Ilaini doesn't have a non-awkward > construction to say "language creation", but I'll work around it :-) >
Hehe, I think "Language Creation" rather than "Language" alone is a better idea, for the very reason you gave that many of our languages have for a name simply the word "language" in the language itself :)) . Christophe. Take your life as a movie: do not let anybody else play the leading role.