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Re: Language of Dor

From:Tristan <kesuari@...>
Date:Friday, February 14, 2003, 14:42
On another note, of English were Etabnanni, it'd be eRRORRnanni,
pronounced /ro1rn&2n/, 1=neutral tone 2=low tone. Dor itself would be
RROR, /To1r/.

If English were Finnstek, it'd be either Deirestek /deir@stek/ or
Doorazsa /do:r@Z@/. Dor itself would either be Deire /deire/ or Doora

If English were Widse, it'd be Dsords [j2y]. Dor itself---I'm assuming
Dor is a country---would be Dsorti [j2:]. Assuming they got borrowed
into Ygyde. If they didn't, they'd be more like Dords [toy] and Dorti [tor].

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