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Ander-Saxon and New Old English (was: RE: [CONLANG] Worldken bard

From:Elliott Lash <al260@...>
Date:Friday, August 3, 2001, 7:10

Has anyone tried to develop an alternate Modern English that
descends from OE of c. 1000 CE without the influence of
French and its subsequent repercussions? I'm particularly interested in modern
reflexes of OE words that Here were lost (e.g. _wye_ 'warrior' < _wigan_). I
don't have the necessary philological knowledge to essay such an exercise
myself. (I've asked this question before, some years back, to no great avail,
but I ask it again because the pool of competences on this list is ever
- AND.

I have indeed created such a monster. But I used my own sound change rules, and
came up with something much like German, rather than an English sans-French.

deg (IRR) day          /dEj/
drichten (IRR) lord    /drISt@n/
dufel (IRR) devil      /dUv@l/
fuhgel (IRR) bird      /fug@l/
baro (IRR) grove       /barO/
ston  stone            /stOn/
wald forest            /valt/
etleng prince          /EtlEN/
ford  ford             /fOrt/
feld  field            /fElt/

Example sentence:

The hero became lord in (his) native land because of the valour that he summoned in the battle

OLD Folksprec:
De Helet ward Drichten ir Kiett efter der Dugut dod hie bunn ir Biad.

/d@ hel@t vart drISt@n Ir ki:t Eft@r d@r duGUt dOt hi: bUn Ir bi:}t/

MODERN Folksprec:

De weiffrehls ward etling in'er keess eft der duchs dod ee fand in'er behd

/d@ vajfre:ls vart EtlIN In@r ki:s Eft d@r duXs dOt i: fant in@r be:t/



And Rosta <a.rosta@...>