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Re: Call Signs (was: Tell your conlang story!)

From:caeruleancentaur <caeruleancentaur@...>
Date:Wednesday, March 1, 2006, 15:06
>Mark J. Reed wrote: > > Television stations around here (Atlanta) have > mnemonically significant callsigns. Channel 5 is WAGA > for Atlanta, GA. Channel 11 is WXIA: the XI is 11 in > Roman numerals, and the A comes from their self- > designation "11 Alive!"
Norfolk, VA, has WNOR & Virginia Beach has WVAB. I believe there is a WRVA in Richmond. The PBS station in Tidewater, VA, is WHRO for Hampton Roads. The NBC affiliate in Roanoke, VA, Channel 12, is WXII, and their PBS channel is WBRA, BR for Blue Ridge. When I was in Columbus, OH, about four decades ago, the university had a radio station with the call letters WOSU. Check out "Call letters" in Wikipedia for more information on assignation of the letters. Charlie