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Re: Slang

From:Philip Newton <philip.newton@...>
Date:Thursday, July 6, 2006, 11:29
On 7/6/06, Michael Adams <abrigon@...> wrote:
> Esperanto, how much has it been influenced by the Natlang > speakers, who learn the AuxLang/Conlang called Esperanto.
That's a good question. I'm told that {Kiel vi fartas?} "How do you do?" is not as popular as it used to be due to the number of native English speakers who learned Esperanto and were uncomfortable using a root "fart-" in such a commonly-used phrase. I'm sure there are other natlang influences even in what's considered "good" Esperanto.
> Then those who speak it as somethng close to a NATLANG?
Also a good question.
> How much as Klingon for example, or Quenya/Sindarian, changed > cause of those who speak it, changing things?
I think with some languages, it depends on the amount of authority or control that the inventor (or governing board, or language authority, or whatever) of the language has. For Klingon, many speakers (I would venture to say most of those who are anywhere near fluent) live under the fiction that this is a real language about which we know a little. They, therefore, speak within the boundaries of what is known, and tend not to experiment much -- just as it would be natural to them not to invent, say, Spanish slang or new bits of Indonesian grammar when learning a natlang. New words which Marc Okrand coins will be accepted; new words which others coin generally not. People tend to be cautious with neologisms. I'm not sure what the status is with Tolklangs -- how much those languages are "controlled" by anyone, or how much respect the speakers have for the state of the language in which they received it. I think control was one issue over the TLI Loglan/Lojban split -- with Lojban, there's not so much control, and many feel free to invent new vocabulary items (often not defining them very rigorously). Also, new vocabulary items seldom have more than two places in their place structure, unlike the (closed set of) root words called "gismu", which have up to five (well, a couple can have more since they use an open-ended hierarchy.) Cheers, -- Philip Newton <philip.newton@...>