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Re: Proto-Romance

From:Paul Bennett <paul-bennett@...>
Date:Friday, March 26, 2004, 2:14
On Thu, 25 Mar 2004 01:30:35 -0500, Roger Mills <romilly@...> wrote:

> As a member of the non-wired generation, voice-recog. didn't occur to me, > but I suspect you're right-- the errors usually involve sound-alikes. > In my > fusty cynicism, I'd been assuming that the busy little typist was, as > might > be expected today, a poor speller................
AFAIK, they use a phonetic keyboard with a kind of alhpasyllablic layout, rather than a normal qwerty Roman one, and then software picks words that fit the phonetic shape. Apparently, it's a craft that requires significant training. seems to talk about it, but I admit to not having read the page beyond a few sentences. Paul