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Re: CHAT: Definite/Indefinite Article Distinction

From:Christian Thalmann <cinga@...>
Date:Saturday, September 7, 2002, 16:41
--- In conlang@y..., Jan van Steenbergen <ijzeren_jan@Y...> wrote:

> However, I could imagine a conlang (or natlang, why not?) where the indefinite > article has its roots in a form like "some", "any", "of any kind". In such case > I don't see any reason for not having a plural form.
Currently, Jovian uses forms derived from Latin |unus| for all numbers: |nu pazer| /n@"pa:D@r/ "a father", |ni pazers| /ni"ba:D@rs/ "fathers", though I'm not fond of the construction. Does anyone know a short word for "some, several" in Latin that I could use for this purpose? I haven't found it in the dictionary. BTW, Jovian is one of those languages which has an indefinite article |nu, na, un|, but no definite article. There's the third person personal pronoun which can be used in an article-like fashion, but it's stronger and less common than a definite article. |Is pazer| /i"pa:D@r/ is probably best translated as "he, the father".
> Isn't there some Romance language with a form like "uns"?
Spanish has "unos, unas". -- Christian Thalmann