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Re: Láadan and woman's speak

From:John Cowan <cowan@...>
Date:Friday, May 26, 2000, 4:08
Marcus Smith scripsit:

> I'm not sure what you mean by irrelevant. I don't see why gender in German > and > Spanish is so "relevant". They don't need it for any special reason that > English lacks. The system is just there, so the speakers have to abide by > it.
Gender does have certain advantages. Sometimes it allows pronouns not to be ambiguous. Consider the English sentence "He took the manuscript out of the briefcase and threw it in the sea". Threw what, the manuscript or the briefcase? In French, one is masc. and one is fem., and the pronoun disambiguates perfectly. Of course this doesn't happen every time! In Lojban, there are 17 genders: words beginning with "b", words beginning with "c", ..., words beginning with "z". For each of these, the letter of the alphabet can be used as a pronoun. -- John Cowan Yes, I know the message date is bogus. I can't help it. --me, on far too many occasions