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Further stanza's and a melody

From:Boudewijn Rempt <bsarempt@...>
Date:Wednesday, April 21, 1999, 16:15
After having seen a number of beautiful translations of the first
stanza of the Den'Naha song, I thought that it might be a good idea to post=
remainder, too, in order to promote understanding of the context and things
like that. Besides, it gave me an opportunity to gloss the rest of the
text, something I hadn't done before.

The first stanza I give with some indication of the music, just an indicati=
of where to trill, where to climb and where to descend the scales, notated =
Irina from my singing. Singing in this style is never note-perfect, so this=
an entirely adequate way of describing the melody. Every stanza is sung
to more or less the same melody.

By default, every phrase begins on the same note; higher or lower is marked=

Markers above the text:

^ up and down
/ up one
\ down one
| up two
! start higher than the default tone (upper voice register)
- start lower than the default tone
V down a lot (as low as you can)
~ trill

A horizontal line below the text marks a sustained syllable.

 ^ /   \  / \    \ /
Xipu! Manxuri penerar
   _                _

 | \      / \       / \  \   ~
Sero t'erneno beryakari yashnar

           / \      /  \   \ ~ v
Yan t'eheranmamen t'imti esero u?

!  \    / \      / \   \  |  \
Galla esero ka chenam ye bangu

  / \  / \      / \     /   \  ~     =20
"Sero laya", Yudirza yetashm=E8rzo
         _                     _

 -             /   \    / \
P'a ajir avaneranmamen sero

-  \      /\         /  v
Tima lyn sero lodha manve.

(Some hints as to pronunciation: ' indicates aspiration, x has its IPA valu=
e, y
is IPA j, except in lyn, where it is i (for no good reason), ng is ng + g, =
is a palatal fricative, r is an uvular thrill).

Now for an interlinear version with comments of the rest
of the stanzas:


Xipu! Manxu.ri penera.r
EXCL  plum.p   fall.PRS

Sero  t'e.r.neno   berya.deryo relshna.r
1sHGH have.PRS.DUR 10.4=09       summer.p

(In the first posting, in the lexicon, kari=3Dfour was a typo,
kari means three, the gloss was right.)

Tau ajim      t' t'imti e.sero    u!
NEG ask_for.EXP.AFF   heart  POS.1sHGH EXCL

The aspect suffix <-ze> is glossed as experiential: I'm not so sure
that that is the correct analysis.

Yudirci        e.sero    t'e.t'e  berya.kari azhemu
younger_sister POS.1sHGH have.DUP 10.3       year

Ye  sera  k'ari     chuam.lei  laya     ajum
and 3sHGH yesterday marry.PRT1 handsome man

P'a ajir sero
ADH someone court.FUT1.AFF  1sHGH

P'a is better glossed as adhortative, I think.

At'a   sero  ghadza lodha perve=20
before 1sHGH die    like  snowdrop


Xipu! Manxu.ri penera.r
EXCL  plum.p   fall.PRS

Sero  t'e.r.neno   berya.loryo raxna.r
1sHGH have.PRS.DUR 10.5        autumn.p

Tautau  ajim t'eheran.ze.r t'imti e.sero    u!
NEG.DUP man  court.PRF.PRS heart  POS.1sHGH EXCL

Naha   tewir.lei    sero  ok=E9    netu
mother lock_up.PRT1 1sHGH behind wall

T'an shemai maizing      weru e.yudirci
GEN  sew    wedding_gown 2    poss.younger_sister

P'a ajir sero
ADH someone court.FUT1.AFF  1sHGH

At'a   sero  ghadza lodha s=FCve=20
before 1sHGH die    like  poppy


Xipu! Manxu.ri penera.r
EXCL  plum.p   fall.PRS

Sero  t'e.r.neno   berhasri perhnar
1sHGH have.PRS.DUR 16       winter.p

(While the the numerals from 11 to 15 are simple compounds,
this is a separate form. Makes one wonder whether the
ancient Charyans counted in hex...)

Ye  tauna ajim t' t'imti esero     u!
and never man  court.FUT1  heart  POS.1sHGH EXCL

Tima    k'ari     yetan t'an sero  ghadza
because yesterday night GEN  1sHGH die

T'an gedel  cravain t'imti esero     reka
GEN  lonely sorrow  heart  POS.1sHGH LOC

P'a tajir  koloranma    sero
ADH no-one imitate.FUT1 1sHGH

Tima    sero  ghadza lodha choive
because 1sHGH die    like  cornflower


Ladna.r! P'a t'an wenta e.sero    gihatu
people.p ADH GEN  story POS.1sHGH listen

P'a chuam at'a   tau.chuam.jinu
ADH marry before NEG.marry.POT

(The suffix <-jinu> indicates potentiality:
marry before marrying is impossible.)

Tima    sero  laya      lodha manve
Because 1sHGH beautiful like  cherry-blossom

Sero  lesha lodha perve
1sHGH fresh like  snowdrop

(Lesha: fresh like a mountain spring, youthful, new,
not fresh as in importunate)

Sero  xixi   lodha s=FCve
1sHGH tender like  poppy

(xixi: tender as in delicate, not as in meat!)

Tarna sero  ghadza lodha choive!
but   1sHGH die    like  cornflower

Of course, this is merely meant for information, not as a set=20
exercise, although, if some-one takes up the challenge, I'd=20
be most interested.

Boudewijn Rempt  |