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Re: A new romance conlang is born: Aingeljã

From:Ángel Serrano <aingelja@...>
Date:Tuesday, August 27, 2002, 13:32
¡Hola Tom!

Thanks for your visiting my page and thinking Aingeljã
is a nice language. I hope to extend the web during
the following weeks, to complete the grammar, to
insert new texts...

I think you can understand Aingeljã so well, because
it is very similar to Spanish. In fact, it is a
mixture between Spanish and Catalan with some
Galician-Portuguese. But I try to maintain an
independent development of the language.

> You need a version of the site in pure Angelian
Well, I wrote the English version in order to allow English-speaking conlangers to understand my web.
> dipping into my native English to read what you are
doing seems almost a
> disservice.
Sorry, but my English is not as good as you think. I don0't understand this sentence. What do you mean? Bye - Adio! ===== Ángel Serrano. A Pagga doul'Aingeljã - La página del Angeliano - Angelian's Homepage _______________________________________________________________ Yahoo! Messenger Nueva versión: Webcam, voz, y mucho más ¡Gratis! Descárgalo ya desde


Padraic Brown <elemtilas@...>
Tom Little <tom@...>