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Re: Has anyone made a real conlang?

From:Jessica Husén <husen_82@...>
Date:Sunday, April 27, 2003, 13:48
Andrew Mowicki wrote:

> I went paperless some 20 years ago. I still use a printer > to print paper documents, but I never make any notes > on paper. I hate paper books -- they take up too much > room and it is difficult to find info when I need it. Paper > faxes are sometimes illegible -- emails are much better. > Two years ago I gave my film still camera to a cousin > and bought Nikon Coolix 990. Now I take pictures of > documents and copy them to my laptop. Adobe > Photoshop can reduce one page of black on white > document to about 50 kB, so 20,000 pages take up > one gigabyte.
> Are there any advantages of scribbling on paper?
Well Andrew. Congratulations on the camera. Hope it brings you much joy. Now let everybody do their conlangs in their own way. Jessica Husen