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Re: Láadan

From:Andreas Johansson <and_yo@...>
Date:Sunday, December 1, 2002, 16:42
Muke Tever wrote:
> > >wonewith to be socially dyslexic; uncomprehending of the social signals >of > > >others > > > Yes! > > > > "Clueless" Kash cakondrop 'deliberately obtuse' come close.... > >No, because I think one can manage to be competent, while still unable to >interact properly with others...
Ok, it's not _one_ word, but aren't we already using "socially dysfunctional" for this? And the popularity of the phrase "social competence" seems strongly to imply that there's alot of "social incompetence" around. (I happen to use "socialt inkompentent" quite alot in Swedish, but it belongs to pseudo-technical slang, and it doesn't have the kind of factual neutralcy I guess is sought after here.) Andreas _________________________________________________________________ MSN 8 with e-mail virus protection service: 2 months FREE*