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Re: Help! Phonology From Hell!

From:Andreas Johansson <and_yo@...>
Date:Thursday, October 25, 2001, 18:27
Tristan wrote:
> >At 02.43 p.m. 24.10.2001 -0400, Andreas wrote: >>From the poster so far, it seems that conlangers are a good deal beneath >>average when it comes to watching the telly. Anybody feel to attempt an >>explanations (other than our general weirdity ...). > >TV is boring and it requires a certain amount of intelligence to realise >this?
"TV is boring" is kind of a very general statement, isn't it? I find almost all programmes death boring, and yet the few exceptions are enough that I spend a couple hours per week watching the thing. You assume that conlangers on average are brighter than the population at large, I see. While I'm inclined to think the same, I don't think there's any statistical evidence for it. I'd guess that conlang correlates more strongly with what you may call "artistic personality" than with high intelligence (me being the exception - nobody I know 'd call me artistic, but they'd agree I'm quite bright in the math/logic sense).
>But watching TV isn't as popular as you might think, at least with >seventeenish-year-old people in Melbourne, Australia.
According to figures I've seen, the average westerner watches TV 1-2 hours a day. Andreas _________________________________________________________________ Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at


Dungeonmaster <dungeonmaster@...>
Tristan Alexander McLeay <zsau@...>