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Re: English diglossia (was Re: retroflex consonants)

From:Douglas Koller, Latin & French <latinfrench@...>
Date:Thursday, January 30, 2003, 20:50
Sarah writes:

>What IS the social cost of three-year-olds not knowing how to read?
While I do strongly support lassoing kids into the reading process as soon as possible, I've asked this myself when the topic comes up with regard to Chinese kids learning characters instead of some romanization scheme (say, pinyin), and it's not a question that's likely to make you popular. For advocates on the other side of the divide, it's like the time you're "wasting" or "losing" while learning to read in school could be spent on developing ground-breaking theories in biophysics, reading James Joyce instead of Dr. Seuss, or modernizing the motherland. It's not a concern I share. Kou


Sarah Marie Parker-Allen <lloannna@...>
Peter Bleackley <peter.bleackley@...>
And Rosta <a.rosta@...>