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Re: English diglossia (was Re: retroflex consonants)

From:Peter Bleackley <peter.bleackley@...>
Date:Monday, February 3, 2003, 9:52
Staving Jake X:
>(four thouz hu kan't reed the uhbuhv, the faalouwing haz bin conveenyentlee >tranzlaytid four your reeding plezhir) > >Wuht du yu du with aul dhuh thowzund yeerz' litruhchir speld dhuh ould way? >Wil it aul need tu bee "tranzlaytid" bye, uherm, linggwists? Wuht uhbowt >dhuh eksyeting feeling yu get wen yu opuhn uhn ould buuk and smel dhuh >byutifuul sent uhv duhst fruhm dhuh buuk naat beeing red four 150 yeerz? >Dhay kan't tranzlayt dhat smel intu dhuh nu uhdishuhn. Suhmwuhn bourn >intu dhuh nu speling wil hav tu eedhr/yedhr lrn bouth dhuh regyuluhr ruwilz >and dhuh ould wakee eksepshuhnz uhnles s/hee waunts tu giv uhp reeding >enee ould owt-uh-print payperbak nevr tranzkribd. >
Reading this aloud, it doesn't sound like English! Unless it's English spoken by a subliterate moron from some benighted backwoods of the Southern USA. Any official attempt to "reform" English would have the unfortunate effect of creating at least one Official Standards Body- something along the lines of the Academie Francais... Pete Bleackley (PS, I revised the Khangathyagon runic alphabet over the weekend, and remembered that contrary to previous posts, it's "bukhstav", not "bukhshtav", and "staving" for "(s)he wrote", not "shtaving".)