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From:Muke Tever <alrivera@...>
Date:Friday, March 30, 2001, 6:52
Michael Greenlee wrote:
> > The information I need, which should be fairly easy to provide, is: > > > > 1. Name of conlang
Hadwan [Every now and then I do or don't know the name of the language _in_ the language. I don't now; but 'Hadwan' is the stable English name for it.]
> > 2. Name of conlanger
Muke Tever
> > 3. Sample sentence with interlinearization/translation (optional)
šunus minjus cirfis ficeren-- šunus mistrik ungrinus kuncus mastrai. [Prov. 10:1] 'A wise son gladdens the father, but a foolish son is an affliction to the mother." [None of these words are actually in the solid lexicon yet, so I won't do an interlinear.]
> > 4. Web page URLs, e-mail addresses, book titles, or other sources of > > further information (optional)
Nothing at the moment, but as soon as I get around to finishing a page it'll be under (I'll try to remember to work to have it up by tomorrow.)
> 5. A short (no more than about 5 sentences) description/explanation of the > language (e.g. reasons for its creation, associated concultures, etc.)
Okay, five sentences. I am building Hadwan because people in my coñuniverse speak a descendant of it twenty-five hundred years onwards, and I believe in starting things from the beginning. Otherwise it is like building the top floor of a building first--what're you going to stand it on? Hadwan's supposed to be one member of an Indo-European language family spoken by a race of non-human people--whom I generally call 'monsters', but by which I mean only bipedal anthropoids (such as trolls and weres), with no pejoration intended--in Greece around the beginning of our era. The time span of the language at this stage is from the earliest surviving records (1st c. BC or AD) to the people's exodus from the country in the fourth century when Constantinople/Byzantium was designated the capital of the Roman Empire. At this point the Hadwan-speaking community divides into west and north, eventually settling near Spain and in Slovakia and Hungary, where they remained till modern times. *Muke! -- "2 am and all is sleepy..."